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Keq use the middleware model similar to koa. This gives Keq powerful extension capabilities.


You could find many libraries that extend the Fetch API. These libraries provide the API like to wrap(fetch). For example: fetch-retry, node-fetch-har,fetch-enhanced. we having to maintain bad code like wrapX(wrapY(wrapZ(fetch))). And the code will be event worse, if we want to set a wrapper for a specific route.

What is Middleware

Keq Middleware

core functions of Keq are implemented through layers of Middleware. And the Fetch API that send request is also a Middleware.

When calling request.get(), the Request parameters is processed by layers of Middleware and finally reaches fetchMiddleware. fetchMiddleware will send the request and return Response. Then, Response will be processed by layers of Middleware again and finally returned to the caller.


Keq is composed of 5 layers of build-in Middleware. For the sake of clarity, only 4 layers are marked in the figure. The 5 layers from outside to inside are:

  • retryMiddleware: Re-send Http when request fails.
  • flowControlMiddleware: Managing request concurrency.
  • timeoutMiddleware: abort timeout request.
  • proxyResponseMiddleware: create context.response by context.res.
  • fetchMiddleware: send a request based on context.request.

Write a Middleware

Middleware should be an async-function that accept two argument:

ctx(first argument)Keq Context
next(second argument)Used to execute the next middleware. The last next() function will send request and bind the Response object to context.res. Don't forget to call next() unless you don't want to send the request.

Let's write a Middleware fo handing request errors:

import { request } from "keq"

  .use(async (context, next) => {
    await next() // call the next layer of middleware until fetch

    if (context.response) {
      if (!context.response.status !== 200) {
        alert(`${ctx.request.url.href} is not 200`)
        throw new Error("The Response is not 200.")

try {
  await request.get("")
} catch (err) {
  // An exception will be caught, if the response status code is not 200.

The above code add a Middleware that detects all response status code by calling request.use(middleware). But in actual project, we have to face many http interface provide by multiple server with different error handling mods. Keq have a flexible routing method for this purpose:

import { request } from "keq"

  .host('', async (context, next) => {
    await next()

    if (context.response) {
      if (context.response.status !== 200) {
        alert(`${ctx.request.url.href} is not 200`)
        throw new Error("The Response is not 200.")

try {
  await request.get("")
} catch (err) {